Nippless Alert!

comfy at first

comfy at first

My first experience with nipple concealers

Was at Westgate Shopping Mall last weekend and  my friend sort of dragged me along with her into Basic  Intimates, a lingerie shop I have shopped at for a couple of years. I warned her not to let me get in because I wouldn’t walk out of there empty handed. For the first time (she’d never known or seen for herself that part of me)-I confessed that I was a spend thrift. Especially when it comes to shoes or anything that makes me feel sexier. New things definitely have the tendency of making one feel like that.

We go in anyway (couldn’t resist). I’m not sure what she was checking out. I, on the other hand, was ogling at an outfit that was on display over there-a checked mini-shirt and a tie. Damn kinky! I point it out to my friend, saying how I’d love to have myself one of them and she says, “You are a freak!” Imagine!

Somehow, the topic of using nipple concealers comes up and I say , “I’d love to try something like that because when my nipples harden, they really stick out. Yet, once in a while I’d love to not wear a bra. How much?’

The sales lady goes to enquire and comes back with three packs of nipple concealers. There was a silicone one among these but I chose Nippless-worth Ksh. 450. Take it for a test run without feeling too much of a pinch in my dollars (hihihi!) That’s the point when my friend realizes  that I really was an impulse buyer, that I wasn’t kidding about what I’d said earlier. Truth is, I had always wanted an alternative to bras and nipple poking-out. This opportunity was just right.

On the cover of the pack was the name and a tag line that reads, ‘For swimming, dancing and t-shirt time.’ I opened it the next day, i was planning to wear a sundress that day-a sundress that I wear without a bra but embarrasses me when the whether suddenly changes or I get excited.

Nippless packaging

Nipless packaging

Back to opening the pack; Inside, I find five pairs of nipple concealers. I take the first one and try them on, two black well-cut round pieces covering up only the nipple area. They seem very secure and I don’t worry about them falling off  I then dress up. Great! They worked that day and I recall wondering how the heck I didn’t know about them before.

However, things weren’t the same the next day. I put another pair on before I wore my spaghetti strap but when I looked at myself on the mirror, I noticed that it was too visible. I thought maybe I was just being too observant but then it happened again that afternoon.

See, the package says that I can go swimming with them too. So I go swimming with them but my nipples (because of the cold that day) were poking out even more. Meaning either that they ain’t as effective as they claim to be or my nipples are too big or sensitive to be concealed.hahaha!

I had fun though, I hadn’t done anything  that ‘feminine-like’ in a while!